We photographed LaVera's maternity session at my studio located in North Albany, Oregon. I absolutely love photographing pregnant women. I know that towards the end of the pregnancy you don't feel at your most glamourous but it it my chance to remind you of how beautiful you are and the amazing thing that your body is doing. I remind women that they will want to remember how it feels to have your baby grow inside you. To feel the hiccups and the little kicks. Having these photos will help you to remember those feelings when you look back at them in 10 years.

Including a sister or brother in my maternity session is always a must. This little peanut was so much fun to photograph, she is very anxious to become a new big sister. When she is a teenager she will be able to look back at these images with her mom and realize how little she was when she first became a big sister.

Having one last family portrait of the original three before they become a family of four is so special.

Of course having those individual portraits of mom and her beautiful pregnant belly is the main focus of my maternity session. I am very excited to photograph the baby when she arrives.