Personal trainer, CrossFit athlete, horse rider and marathon runner
Tell me about your athletic history?
I have been a runner since high school. I have completed a 25k, two marathons, a 50k and countless half marathons. I am also a CrossFit athlete, coach and personal trainer. I enjoy road biking and hiking along with managing my 12 acres and riding my horse Rush.
List your top 5 athletic achievements so far in your life:
Completing a 50K,
Achieving a bar muscle up
Lifting my body weight overhead
Completing a scaled CrossFit competition with two other women and placing first
Becoming a personal trainer and CrossFit coach
Truly understanding nutrition for my body in order to maintain my weight and heavy activity schedule
Who inspires or has inspired you?
My mom. She has never been extremely athletic and has struggled with her weight and body image but she has always allowed me to pursue what I’ve wanted even if it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to her, like buying land and managing animals out in the country or lifting really heavy or running for hours on end. She has always said that I am the only one that can stop me from moving in the direction of my dreams and it likely will be difficult but worth it.
Why did you want to participate in this Female Athlete Project?
I always want to encourage women to take time for themselves. I see countless women give everything they have into their jobs, family and friends but neglect themselves. I also see women struggle to accept and love themselves for where they are at. It is one of the reasons I became a coach. I love to push people, in particular women, outside of whatever box they have constrained themselves in. Sometimes you really just need someone to say but “what if you tried” and to cheer them on when they do. I wanted to do this project to also acknowledge how far I have come in my own life athletically and personally. We forget to take stock of all the work that has been done.
Why do you think it is important to keep active as we age?
Aside from the obvious physical benefits, remaining active keeps me emotionally balanced. Life can take its toll and sometimes you just need to go hiking or running out in the woods to clear your anxiety or depression or whatever funk you may be in. It also reminds me of how much I can handle when things get tough. If you can run for 6 hours then you’ll make it through this rough patch. Staying active has also brought me great friendships that I cherish. Most of the time its not about the run or the workout but the people you get to share it with.
What obstacles have you faced over the years trying to stay active in your sport?
My asthma is always a challenge but I have been very fortunate to have avoided injury. I have been in relationships that were not supportive of my activity level and that had to change eventually which was hard. The other component has been my own self-limiting beliefs which I have had to gradually work on as I age. I’m afraid of heights and being upside down so several gymnastic movements have always been very fearful for me but I’ve been taking it one step at a time and pushing myself with the support of others.
What would you tell the younger version of yourself?
You can be an athlete even if you are that chubby book worm from high school with asthma. My younger self would never believe that I could run as far or as fast as I can now or lift my body weight + for that matter. Stick with it and you’ll get there.
What keeps you going?
My friends and my animals. I have to stay active to keep all my pets healthy and happy. My friendships are what get me up at 4am to workout at 5am. Working out also keeps my mood up and lets me enjoy food a little bit more.
Advice to other women about staying active as we age?
Find something you enjoy doing so it doesn’t feel like a chore and find others to share it with. If you don’t know where to start, ask for help from trainers, your partner, family members, etc and invest in yourself. You deserve it just as much as anyone else. Buy the athletic gear you want, get the gym membership or private lessons, sign up for a destination race and make it a family vacation. Make you a priority and make it fun.
Best memories in your sport?
Competing in CrossFit competitions and all the friends and other coaches cheering us on.
What do you hope you never forget as you grow older?
How far I have come and how much by body has done for me over the years.